Available XAFS techniques
Flux at Si111 and Si220 mono crystals
Glitch library
XAS modeling support
- Bulk type of systems (solid, liquid, ...)
- Element local coordination environment
- Precursor for Nano scale cluster
- Size of Nano particle - poorly crystalline material
- “Space group” for amorphous material
- Local structural changing (1D, 2D, and 3D)
- Coexistence mechanism, e.g., bimetallic alloy
- Site occupancy in crystalline and amorphous materials
- Surface speciation
- Inner sphere absorbed complex above surface
- Complex imbedded on the surface
- Single-atom catalyst
- Thin film
Available Equipments
- 32 element Ge detector
- 4 element Vortex detector
- Lytle detector, gas sample environment
- Liquid helium cryostat
- Liquid nitrogen cryostat
- In-situ cell for electrochemical experiments (flurorescence mode using Lytle or 32 element Ge detector)
- In-situ cell for elecrochemical experiments (transmission mode or flurescence mode)