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Research Highlights
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Research Highlight: Sulfur promoted Fe/N/C as highly efficient oxygen electrocatalyst for Zn-air batteries
Posted on March 13, 2018
Fe K-edge EXAFS analysis indicates that with the existence of S, the elements Fe, N, and C tend to form Fe–Nx-coordinated active sites.
Research Highlight: Roles of biogenic birnessite in controlling the mobility of heavy metals
Posted on March 07, 2018
Structure difference from abiotic birnessite and its environmental implications.
Research Highlight: Role of bifunctional catalysts for high performance Na-O2 batteries.
Posted on February 06, 2018
The local electronic and atomic structure of Mn and Pd at cycling stages of Na-O2 cell.
Research Highlight: Characterization of iron and sulfur in coal waste rock, Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada.
Posted on February 05, 2018
Geochemical and mineralogical characterization by XAS is discussed.
Research Highlight: Enhance performance of P3HT:PCBM photovoltaic cells
Posted on November 03, 2017
Dielectric coily blocks, which were excluded from the P3HT crystalline structure, accumulated on the crystals surface without decreasing the crystal quality and formed hairy crystals.Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 63, 285 (2017).
News: Hydrogen storage: Dehydrogenation Characterization
Posted on February 23, 2017
Dehydrogenation of a BCC alloy of composition 52Ti-12V-36Cr doped with 4 wt.% Zr7Ni10 was studied. Prior to final dehydrogenation the FCC dihydride phase is becoming metastable..
Beamline Update: Interlayer struture study with GIXRD
Posted on December 09, 2016
Phase components of Al-based interlayer for CVD diamond on WC--Co substrate were obtained with GIXRD method.
Research Highlight: GIXRD study of perovskite solar cell
Posted on November 01, 2016
quantitatively investigate how the choice of metal oxide support (planar TiO2, mesoporous TiO2, or mesoporous Al2O3) affects the stability of the perovskite film in the presence of moisture.
Research Highlight: Pressure dependent pyrochlore iridate crystal structure
Posted on August 17, 2016
No evidence of crystal symmetry change over the range of temperatures (~6 to 300 K) and pressure (~0.1 to 17 GPa) where electronic and magnetic phase transitions have been reported.
Research Highlight: Low band gap organic solar cell
Posted on July 07, 2016
A new low band gapthermocleavable polymer showing stable photovoltaic properties
Research Highlight: GISAXS Quantum Dot
Posted on January 08, 2016
Cleavable Ligands Enable Uniform Close Packing in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids uses a medium length thioamide ligand that is readily cleaved in a single chemical treatment, leading to quantum dot solids with uniformly packed domains 3 times larger than those observed in ligand-exchanged films.
Research Highlight: Hydrothermal biomass conversion
Posted on October 08, 2015
Examination of the dissolution, transformation, and gasification of pure cellulose and models of biomass residue under hydrothermal condition.Energy Science & Engineering Volume 3, Issue 3, pages 189–195, May 2015
: Sudden reversal in the pressure dependence of Tc
Posted on June 29, 2015
Sudden reversal in the pressure dependence of Tc in the iron-based superconductor CsFe2As2 A possible link between inelastic scattering and pairing symmetry
: Quantum dot solid
Posted on June 09, 2015
GISAXS for High-Performance Quantum-Dot Solids via Elemental Sulfur Synthesis Size-selective precipitation and cadmium chloride passivation are used to improve the power conversion efficiency of 1 eV bandgap CQD photovoltaic devices dramaticallyAdvanced Materials Volume 26, Issue 21, pages 3513–3519, June 4, 2014
Research Highlight: GIXRD from perovskite solar cell
Posted on June 08, 2015
GIXRD from Perovskite solar cell film In situ grazing incidence X-ray diffraction to monitor phase changes in perovskite degradation.